Case Study :: Chuckanut Brewery

The Setup: When the nice folks at Chuckanut Brewery called us to design their first ever beer labels (!) we suggested a little logo update as well. Sometimes a client has a mark that is a start in the right direction that needs some recrafting and tightening to make it shine — as opposed to an entirely new logo. In this instance, that's exactly what we did!
The Goal: Maintain the bones and structure of the original logo and give it a lighter, brighter visage. Think of it as the plastic surgery of the design world.
The Catch: They weren’t entirely sure that they WANTED a revised logo.
The Big Idea: We carefully and lovingly redrafted the existing logo, making al ing list of very subtle changes including creating a smaller banner, totally rekerning and resetting the type, choosing a richer color palette…well heck, we could talk about this all day. How about you scroll down and we’ll just SHOW you!
Survey Says: The client loves it and so do we! Don’t you agree? If you want to see it without all the dots, arrows and comments you can click right here and to be magically transported. And you can check out our whitepaper on the project right here!