Case Study :: Forking Seattle
The Setup: Ronald Holden — journalist/reporter/editor, award-winning author, blogger and, importantly for his chosen path, the most adventurous of gourmands. When he decided to re-release his book on the history of the local food scene here in Seattle, he knew he needed a snappy new title and a snappy new look to go along. The Goal:...

Case Study :: W2A
The Setup: After years of thinking that their firm was something they were doing 'for now', the partners at Washington2Advocates made the decision to dig in and up the ante — to go big or go home. And, to the conclusion that their current branding didn't quite live up to their new perspective....

Case Study :: Chuckanut Brewery
The Setup: When the nice folks at Chuckanut Brewery called us to design their first ever beer labels (!) we suggested a little logo update as well. Sometimes a client has a mark that is a start in the right direction that needs some recrafting and tightening to make it shine — as opposed to...

Case Study :: Acme Band
The Setup: Loren Weisman: rockstar, entrepreneur, music producer, author and all around cool client. He wrote a book about how to make it in the music biz without selling your soul to the devil (or a record company) and needed some visuals to back it up. His first venture into the graphics for the book...